Star Wars Fic Recs

Theme: Prequel Era Rarepairs

Now that the first four months of my 2024 are decidedly filled with Star Wars rarepair fic updates it feels appropriate to rec some rarepairs! Each rec features a different Star Wars rarepair from the prequels/clone wars era. They're listed in descending wordcount order which also happens to more or less put them in order of placement in the timeline.

Padmé and Obi-Wan arrive on Kamino and discover the clones together, it changes a lot. I love creative fix-its and this one's genuinely really fun. I love the way it flips back and forth between truth and fiction, it's really engaging and effective. Alpha-17's narration and inner thoughts were delightful! Overall, a very engaging and entertaining read!

I think the title says a lot about this one lol. I love when soulmate AUs have some fun with the match-ups. Bo-Katan and Anakin work really well together here and I very much enjoyed the development of their relationship. Padmé and Anakin are wonderful disasters and I had a lot of fun with their support and encouragement of each other. I had a great time!

“My brain is about to leak out of my ears,” Fox mutters, and the urge to bang his head back against the wall is incredibly strong. Padmé is pretty and competent. Fox's perspective is both delightful and entertaining, especially as he starts to realize he's doomed. I love their dynamic here and how Fox falls for her. This one's a delight through and through!

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